You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.11. Quick Add > 12.11.1. Manual Quick Add

Manual Quick Add

Follow this procedure for quick data entry of item codes and quantities. You must know the item numbers.

  1. Display the Quick Add panel.

Refer to "Quick Add".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Item Number

Enter the item number you want to add to the order.



Enter the quantity of the item you want to add.

  1. Select the + button at the right of the item to add a new item line.

You can also press the Enter key or the Tab key to add a new item line.

  1. Repeat this process until all items required have been entered.
  2. You can remove any items you don't want by selecting the button next to an item.
  1. When you have finished adding items, select the Add to Cart button to confirm the order.

Micronet clears the screen and displays a message that the items have been added to your shopping cart.

  1. You can now either: